Thursday, March 22, 2012

How to Propose Properly

I'm a total sucker for a good infographic, and an infographic about marriage--well, that's right in my wheelhouse. These are American statistics, but still interesting:

I proposed to Jenny at a picnic lunch at Bridal Falls, after a day out at the Othello Tunnels near Hope, B.C. I have never been so nervous, carrying that ring around all day. I must have checked it a hundred times.

I couldn't even eat the lunch I had made. Finally, she stood up from the lunch, and I got to one knee, told her how happy she made me, pulled out the ring, and asked.

It was the longest three seconds of my life, as she got all teary and quiet. Happily, she said yes, and the rest is history! On the way back to the car, she showed that ring to every poor stranger climbing to see the waterfall.