Saturday, November 5, 2011

PopMarriage #1: The Jenn and Jordan Podcast

So Jenny and I are trying our hand at podcasting, and are proud to show off the debut of PopMarriage. It's 40 minutes of talking about funny wedding stories, what makes a great ceremony, plus some marriage advice on surviving change, and a debate on Mexico's plan to offer two year marriage contracts. And an autoposy on the Kim Kardashian 72-day marriage odyssey. Hope you enjoy it!

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Tahitian Touches

It's an unusually lovely day out there for November!

Today I had the pleasure of marrying Sean and Jeri-Lyn at Milner Chapel. They are having a really sweet family wedding and then heading off on an amazing Honeymoon in Tahiti, and they incorporated that into their wedding with some beautiful exotic flowers and a steel drum player.